As you may or may not know, I have been freelancing doing interiors photography work the past two years. Many of those shoots are for real estate agents wanting to show their listings in the best possible light.
Earlier this month I had the pleasure of shooting a beautiful home that was going on the market. I absolutely loved the flow and well-thought out design of the house. Not to mention the decor and styling.
Cass, the homeowner, is a talented designer, contemporary artist and business owner here in Central Florida. She’s actually been credited and mentioned in several of the homes featured on this blog. Like THIS one and THIS one.
Cass and her family are getting ready to move to New York (more on that in her interview below), and selling their house is part of that process.
She was such a great sport about allowing me to share some of the photos I took of her home with you. If you happen to be in the market for a beyond “move-in ready” home, then you have to see it in person.
Pretty and Peaceful Family Home Tour
There are four of us – Peter, my husband of 21 years, Olivia who is 18 and Riggs who is 11. I can’t forget our Goldendoodle Sadie Bo Peep and Kitty our Maine Coon cat.
We built this house after moving back to Florida due to hurricane Katrina. My parents lived next door in the house my grandparents gave them. That house was built in the 1960’s, and they had also purchased an additional lot next door to someday build on. When we moved back, my mother suggested build on the empty lot.
After living in New Orleans for almost 20 years, I absorbed a lot of interesting styles and architecture. I drew the plan for this house and hired a draftsman. It is modeled after a simple Creole center hall cottage found all over Louisiana, but probably made most famous by architects like A. Hays Town.
Olivia has an amazing opportunity in New York. She has a nearly full ride at The New School in Manhattan. My husband is from New York and his sister and family are there too. For years we have talked about taking a chance and making a life change. Well, this is it. We are moving to Manhattan. We are eyeballing Brooklyn too. So either would be amazing!
I love things to be stylish and elegant, but it also has to be comfortable and functional. Meshing those qualities is always important.
I think I am an eclectic blend of contemporary pieces with a love for French and Swedish antiques. I also love pottery and original art. Those layers really complete an interior. I’m excited about moving because I will be selling a lot and starting over, so I am interested to see which direction I will move towards.

She was not kidding when she said this house has a great vibe. I totally felt it when photographing it. So peaceful and inviting.
I am so inspired by Cass and her family’s willingness to go for this exciting new chapter in their lives. Despite the fear of the unknown, they are being driven by change and growth. I just love that for them and know they will look back on on this decision as a pivotal one. No matter where they land, we can be certain their home will be uniquely theirs.
Interested in seeing more home tours? Check them all out HERE.
Photography: Ale Cretul
Bill Glenney
Another great post with wonderful pictures of a beautiful home. Great job, Ale!
Ale Post author
I appreciate that! 🙂
Julie McCammon
Spectacular! Your photos capture Cass’ elegant space.
Ale Post author
Thank you!