My Podcast Subscription List
Through an unfortunate turn of events, I recently had to start over with my podcast subscription list. I got a new phone, which promptly fell in a river within a few days. Sad, but par for the course for me. When I went to activate my old phone again, none of my old podcast subscriptions were saved. Which meant I had to start over.
Podcast subscriptions are the best because just like subscribing to your favorite magazine, as soon as a new podcast episode comes out, it goes on your “Unplayed” list.When I get a moment to listen to a new episode, I check the “Unplayed” list and all kinds of good content is waiting for me.
Re-subscribing to all my favorite podcasts was a bit of a blessing in disguise because I had to remember which podcasts I enjoy listening to most. The mediocre ones I kept skipping over or that just weren’t resonating any more got left by the wayside. What I was left with is about 20 awesome podcasts that reflect my interests.
I thought I would share them with you today. Some are new. Many you have seen me mention before. There’s even a handful still on here from my second ever blog post back in 2014.
Entrepreneurship & Business
1. How I Built This – One of my very favorites. The host Guy Raz is just so likable. Guy interviews founders of companies you know and love to get the scoop on how it all started for them. I pretty much love every single episode, but some of origin stories I would most recommend are: AirBnB, Spanx and Whole Foods.
2. Side Hustle School – If you like How I Built This, the odds are you will like Side Hustle School too. The host, Chris Gillebeau, shares a different short side hustle story every day. I just find it so fascinating to learn how & why people create the businesses they do. Chris also does a great job of recapping the take aways from each person he profiles so that his audience can use the knowledge for themselves. All in under 10 minutes.
3. The Tim Ferriss Show – If I could only subscribe to ONE podcast, this would be it. I feel like I owe Tim Ferriss so much. I have learned a ridiculous amount from listening to his interviews the past 3 years. Thankfully, Tim came out with THIS book last year in which he condenses some of the best of best takeaways from his very best podcast interviews.

Tim Ferriss
Branding & Marketing
4. How to be Remarkable with Tiffany Hahn & Erin Cassidy – This is a fairly new podcast on the scene, but I really enjoy the tactical and specific branding guidance from these two. Tiffany is a brand strategist and Erin is a graphic designer. Together they have an online course on branding and online business strategy. This podcast is an awesome extension of the work they do around helping people create authentic online brands.
5. Being Boss – Emily and Kathleen are two dynamo business owners that tackle different challenges to running and promoting your own online business. Emily has a web-design company and Kathleen has a branding company. Together, they have created a highly engaged community of self-employed business owners. Each week, they produce one full episode and one mini-episode covering subjects like How to Stay Focused and interviews with respected thought leaders like Brené Brown.
6. Awesome with Alison – Alison Faulkner is new to the podcasting scene but is a rockstar in the online world. Although she seems like just a happy-go-lucky girl from Provo, Utah that likes to dance a lot, she is actually smart business-minded woman with over 100K followers on Instagram alone. She clearly knows marketing and I enjoy learning from her.

Emily Thompson & Kathleen Shannon of Being Boss
7. The Chris Loves Julia Podcast – A while back ago I posted about 3 Blogger Homes I Love, and one of them was Chris and Julia Marcum. In addition to their super popular blog which I enjoy reading, they have this awesome podcast too.
8. Young House Love Has a Podcast – One of my most read posts (to this day) is THIS one from a YHL Has a Podcast episode recap I did. It has been a while since I wrote that, but I am still listening and enjoying this fun podcast about making the best of your home with what you have.
9. How to Decorate – I admit the name of this podcast by Ballard Designs is not the most exciting, but I am so glad I gave it a chance. As I mentioned in my recent post about Ballard, they have really done a great job freshening up their brand. And that includes their blog & podcast.

Chris and Julia Marcum
Intentional & Simple Living
10. The Next Right Thing – I just subscribed to this one within the last 2 weeks or so based on a recommendation from a blog. After listening to just one episode, I felt calmer and centered. According to Emily Freeman, the host, she created each episode to: “Offer a short reflection, a simple action, and a benediction to help you create a little more space for your soul to breathe so you can discern your next right thing.” Ahhhh….
11. The Minimalists Podcast – You might recall the Minimalists are the duo that inspired me to play their 30-Day Minimalism Game at the start of the year. They dedicate each podcast episode to discuss their minimalist approach to an assortment of topics, for example: technology, holidays, budgeting, etc.
12. The Simple Show – I have not missed an episode of The Simple Show since I started listening several months ago. The creator/host of the podcast is Tsh Oxenrider and her podcast focuses on her 3 favorites things to chat about: books, travel and home. Needless to say, I have found my online soul-mate. I would totally be friends with her if I knew her.

The Simple Show’s Tsh Oxenreider
13. Happier in Hollywood – Happier in Hollywood is actually a spinoff podcast of Happier with Gretchen Rubin. Gretchen’s sister Liz, who is also on Happier with Gretchen Rubin, recently started this spin-off show with her writing partner. This is very similar to the other Happier podcast, but it has a bit more of a Hollywood slant to it.
14. The Lively Show – The Lively Show has been on my podcast list for several years now. The show has evolved over the past year or so from interviews & conversations with creatives to a much more “woo-woo” show. Topics like flow, the “Law of Attraction” and metaphysics are pretty much the norm now. Regardless of the change of direction, I still enjoy listening and learning about all this new to me stuff!
15. Happier with Gretchen Rubin – This is another one I listen to the very day it comes out. Gretchen is the author of one my favorite non-fiction books of all time, “Better than Before”, which is all about establishing positive habits based on your temperment. Gretchen’s podcast continues the theme and addresses happiness hacks and roadblocks. Lots of food for thought here!

Happier podcast’s Elizabeth Craft & Gretchen Rubin
And one health podcast for good measure:
Balanced Bites – I didn’t include this one one the original list because it didn’t really fit into the categories or the graphic (OCD, I know). But that doesn’t mean I don’t love it and listen religiously. This is actually the very first podcast I ever started listening to. My gateway podcast you could say 🙂 Although I do listen to other nutrition and health podcasts sporadically, this is the one I never miss. I have listened to pretty every one of their 300+ shows.
Welp. There you have it. I feel like I have just introduced you to some of my best friends. I know it sounds weird, but these are people that I learn from, laugh with and check in with at least once a week. They have challenged me to think differently and expand my mind in countless ways. And it all started with clicking on that little “Subscribe” button.
Are you a podcast lover too? Which podcasts do you love and subscribe to? Do we have any in common? Let me know!
Kaiti Norton
I LOVE this! I’ve been obsessed with podcasts since Serial (it was my gateway drug) and I love discovering new ones that are lesser known. Do you happen to know if any of these are available on Spotify? I know they’ve only recently started adding podcasts to their library, so maybe they will all be there in the future! Thanks for sharing!
I do love podcasts! It is a great way to pass my time while driving to work. I’ll have to check some of these out- especially that Balanced Bites one!
Ale Post author
Totally agree, Colette. I think you will really enjoy Balanced Bites – they cover a huge variety of health topics with a very moderate Paleo approach.
Stella Nadene
Totally listen to Being Boss–even if the episode isn’t relevant, these two are still pretty hilarious! Did not know that YHL has a podcast–I’ve been following their blog since pretty early on–like before their book, before the 2nd kiddo, and before all the hoopla going on now! Cutest couple ever!
Ale Post author
Then you will definitely love their podcast!