The best thing I heard this week was guest Sally Hogshead on The Unmistakable Creative podcast. I’m subscribed to the Unmistakable Creative, where the host Srini Rao interviews thought leaders from all walks of life. Although I had not heard of Sally before this episode, her background is right up my alley. She started her career in advertising, and did some pretty amazing client work as a copywriter and creative director. She is an accomplished brand strategist, researcher and author. Her specialty is helping people and brands find their natural advantages. I loved being introduced to her work through this episode.


The Unmistakeable Creative Podcast


The host of the Unmistakable Creative podcast, Srini Rao, always asks such interesting questions that elicit thought-provoking responses. His interview with Sally was just that. One specific topic I enjoyed was when they talked about her upbringing, and how as a younger sibling to an Olympic athlete and a Harvard graduate, she could have easily been crushed under the weight of comparison. But Sally recounts a moment in her childhood where her dad gave her a piece of advice: “Sally you don’t have to change who you are, you have to become more of who you are.” So wise. I need to tuck that into my back pocket. At 7 years old, she internalized that message so much that her life’s work all seemed to springboard from that advice.


Fascinate by Sally Hogshead


Sally has a book out call Fascinate: How to Make Your Brand Impossible to Resist that I have now added to my ever growing list. I have always been interested in marketing and strategic messaging. Especially when it is based on psychology and human nature. In the interview (and I am assuming the book), Sally makes so many good points about how to be a fascinating person or brand. Some of the  key points that really resonated were:

  • The greatest value you add is to become more of yourself
  • If you don’t know your value, don’t expect anyone else to.
  • Every time you communicate, you are either adding value or taking up space.
  • To become more successful, don’t change who you are — become more of who you are.

There is so much truth in these statements. Sally convincingly illustrates these points during the Unmistakable Creative podcast interview. She used this knowledge to create compelling advertising work for many years, but has also used it to teach others how to use it in their personal brands. Perhaps you don’t consider yourself having a personal brand, but the fact is we all are seen by the world in a certain way. And if you can take the time to reflect on what your core values are and how to live them to the fullest instead of trying to live the values that are expected, there is a lot of good that can come from that.

Sally’s message would be be helpful for young people as well. It seems that as kids become self-aware, they spend so much energy trying to be like everyone else. To wear what the others’ are wearing, share the same interests and fit in with the pack. It’s almost like a survival mechanism. Which is not only sad but makes it extremely hard to tap into your own unique self as you grow up. After trying so hard to mold yourself into what is expected, it will take a lot of work to rediscover your true self. Assuming you ever do choose to go looking for it.

This Unmistakable Creative podcast episode was a treat for me this week. If you have any interest in marketing and branding you will definitely enjoy this episode. But also take a listen if you need a little permission to let your quirks shine through.